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Monday, July 17, 2017

Life's Challenges

We all have those days when we feel like life gets the better of us, but then dawns a new day and we have a fresh start, a new slate on which we can paint our day.

Each day is a gift. What do we do to best use that gift, how do we make a difference? If all you do is listen to the media, you would think our world is in pretty bad shape. But the media only tells one side of the story. We have the ability and opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Sometimes we don't even realize the impact we have on those people. The other day, I went to a drive through to get something to drink. When I drove to the window to pay, I was told the person in front of me had paid for my order. I've heard of that happening but I've never had it happen to me. It absolutely made my day, so I decided to make someone else's day by continuing the streak and I paid for their food. It was just something little, but it helped me realize how much good is in the world.

What kind of legacy are you leaving those around you? Capture those moments in your life to help you preserve your legacy. Share those memories with others and help them remember their legacy too. Check out You can track your family tree and upload pictures and stories that you want saved. What a gift this will be to those who come years down the road, to be able to see your stories and pictures and even hear your voice. Who are the people you have known that you wish you had written down their experiences or could hear their voice again? Capture those moments in your life now so others won't say "I wish they I had recorded their stories."

Summer is a great time to update your family photos. Capture those special moments to be able to share them with others. Imagine how great your walls will look with you new family pictures hanging up for all to see. I can help you update those photos, give me a call at 425-308-8210.

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